Sunday 5 February 2012

Film Review: The Artist


If you thought the silent movie was a relic of the past, think again. The Artist in essence tells the tale of George Valentine, silent movie star who falls from fame with the introduction of the 'talkies' and Peppy Miller, the girl who goes from movie extra, to star of the 'talkies'.

From the moment that the opening titles roll, you are brought into the world of the movies from the era that is depicted in film. From the black and white colouring, the speech cards, the score and the eerily silence parts, it makes the film a joy to watch from start to finish. Although, you can't help thinking that Uggie the dog does steal some of the scenes.

Despite it's run time, it doesn't feel as long as it is, which, for the style of the film, probably plays in it favour. The film isn't for everyone but it's probably going to be one of the most different film out this year. Would recommend it if you're looking for something different.

Rating: 4.5/5

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